Saturday, October 9, 2010

Lucky Underwear

About a year ago, I purchased some new underwear.  It was blue and cute.  I put on this underwear and went to work.  Things in my life had been supremely stressful, and for some reason in the middle of a math lesson, my body decided that BAM, it would collapse out of the stress.

A few weeks later, I fell ill with some flu-like symptoms.  I seemed to rally after about three days.  I thought I was getting better.  I put on the same underwear when BAM, I fell very VERY ill.  I went to the doctor that day and was diagnosed with the Swine Flu, plus a bonus of pneumonia and bronchitis.  I didn't have a voice for a month and had to miss 9 days of work.  It was awesome.

In January, I put on the underwear again.  My father came over to see me that day (as it turns out, that was one of the last times I would see him).  I went to bed in that underwear, only to be woken in the middle of the night with terrible nausea and pain in my abdomen.  Little did I know that in less than 12 hours I would have an appendectomy and be in the hospital.

I am not a superstitious person, in any way.  However, the common denominator was those darn underwear!  I threw those away as soon as I noticed that pattern.  However, my dad passed away a month later even though I threw those trouble making undies away.

So, perhaps I need to reevaluate the power of the undergarment.  What would be a safer choice in underwear?  Granny panties?  A girdle?  Thongs don't seem too secure.  Commando seems very risky.  Perhaps long underwear is the way to go.

*I do need to give credit where credit is due.  This has been a very, very difficult year, but God has been there for me every step of the way and I can see His hand in all of it.  Underwear doesn't really mean anything!*



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