Monday, July 23, 2012

Evita Jackson

So in case you have missed it, Michael Jackson's mother is allegedly missing.  Michael's children (Prince, Paris and Blanket) haven't seen their legal guardian in over a week and haven't been allowed to talk to her.  

Katherine's children, who are pissed that she won't give them more money (in a nutshell) insist that she is just fine!  She's resting and the doctors won't allow her to talk to the children.  You know, the children she's been taking care of!!!

Is it just coincidence that her adult children are upset about money and then she vanishes?  No!  No coincidence at all!

Could she just make a quick phone call?  Apparently not.  Could she Skype?  Nope.  Could she send them an email?  No.  Something is very fishy and it begins to remind me of Norman Bates.  What is going on?  And more importantly, are you freaking kidding me?  Could this family be more of a freak show?

But then, surprise!  They release a picture of Katherine!  She may not be able to communicate with the kids or anyone else, but she sure is able to play Uno!  Of course!

Now, instead of reminding me of Norman Bates, I'm thinking more along the lines of Eva Peron's restless corpse.  You know, the corpse that was well preserved and dragged all around the world, stuffed in attics, closets, and even in a dining room where her hair was brushed every day and a woman climbed into the coffin to absorb her magical powers.

I think they've had Katherine preserved!  She's been hiding in Germaine's closet and he dragged her out and propped her up to the table to look like she's having a great time playing Uno.

All in a day's work in this freaking family!

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